1) Alter hooks
a common way to edit the contents of a particular object or variable by settings variables in the hook by reference, typically by using drupal_alter()
2) Intercepting hooks
Allowing external modules to perform actions during the execution, cannot get variables by reference, typically by using module_invoke_all(), module_invoke()
a) Simple invoking:
module_invoke_all() => Calling all modules implementing the hook
b) Invoking a particular one:
module_invoke('module_name', 'hook_name', 'arguments');
Function calls a particular hook for a particular module
c) Collecting results in an array:
$results = array();
foreach(module_implements('hook_name') as $module) {
$result[] = module_invoke($module,'hook_name');
d) Altering the data using drupal_alter()
drupal_alter() function => the first one is the name of the hook we want to invoke and the second is the data we want to alter
function example_list() {
$data = array('name' => t('test'));
drupal_alter('my_hook', $data);
function mymodule_my_hook_alter(&$data) { }
e) Passing by reference: cannot use module_invoke():
foreach(module_implements('hook_name') as $module) {
$function = $module.'_hook_name';
$function($arg1, $arg2);
function mymodule_hook_name(&$arg1, $arg2) {
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