1) New fields
|-> Date, Email, Link, Reference, Telephone
2) Fields are everywhere:
|-> You can add fields to nodes, blocks, comments, contact forms, taxonomy terms and users.
3) CKEditor
|-> One of the very best text editors on the market.
4) Quick edit
5) Responsive Images
|-> D7 provided Image styles in the core, which allowed you to automatically resize images.
|-> D8 takes that a step further and allows you to choose different styles for Individual Images. The various styles will be used for different device sizes.
6) Tour
|-> You can click the Tour link and see pop-ups that explain how Drupal works.
7) Views
|-> Views is now in the Drupal 8 core
|-> Most of the Drupal administration screens now use Views, which makes them easy to customize.
8) Multilingual
|-> Configuration Translation
|-> Content Translation
|-> Interface translation
|-> Language
9) Configuration manager
|-> Easier to export and import the features that you build.
10) Webservices (4 web services module)
|-> HAL
|-> HTTP Basic Authentication
|-> RESTful Web Services
|-> Serialization
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