Drupal 8

How do I add my own custom Javascript in Drupal 8?

 Save your custom script in themes/THEMENAME/js/script.js

 Declare your script in themes/THEMENAME/THEMENAME.libraries.yml:

   version: VERSION
     js/script.js: {}


         * Add custom scripts
        function THEMENAME_page_alter(&$page) {
          $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'thirstysix/ts-corescripts';
          //$page['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/jquery';


Translate a JS string from Drupal interface translations

Translate a JS string from Drupal interface translations


Drupal.t("My String");

Clear the Drupal Cache.

This string appear in /admin/config/regional/translate

if not then check your libraries.yml file 
And add the corresponding dependencies THEME.libraries.yml:
  - core/jquery
  - core/drupal

Enjoy :)

Drupal Bartik Admin - Drupal Super Admin theme as a Batrik theme

Drupal Bartik Admin-Super admin theme forever.

It's just an emerging product. As a bartik, we have to always configure the superadmin. The software settings may be overridden if you need to. It will only be open to the superadmin useruid 1.

The admin pages will be overridden by super admin theme as batrik. Drupal lets you identify a specific Admin Pages theme.

URL: https://www.drupal.org/project/bartik_admin

Admin pages are in English Drupal?

All Admin pages are in English and admin menu always in LTR?

1) First go to Administration -> Configuration -> Regional and language -> Languages -> Detection and selection tab and make sure to have “Account administration pages“ enabled.

2) Then go to People and edit your user. Admin -> Edit Profile -> Edit

Go down to the Language settings section. You should now see a Administration pages language dropdown. 

Select and save.

3) Go to the administration language using the following settings:

url: /admin/config/regional/language/detection

"Account administration pages" - Enabled

"Follow the user's language preference." - Enable

and drag and drop to the top position.

Drupal Multisite Setup on a XAMPP with Localhost

Install a XAMPP on your local machine.  Followed recommendations to not install in program files as there is some firewall problems. (e.g., c:\xampp)

Install a Drupal 8 instance that will act as the root site for our multisite instance. In our example, the root site will be called drupal8multisite, will be reachable at drupal8multisite.com, and will be installed at /xampp/htdocs/drupal8multisite

Drupal 8 Module Structure

|     |-> install
|     |      |-> xyz.settings.yml
|     |-> schema
|     |      |->  xyz.schema.yml
|     |-> optional
|-> src
|     |-> Controller
|     |      |->xyzController.php
|     |-> Form
|     |      |-> xyzBlockForm.php
|     |      |-> xyzForm.php
|     |-> plugin
|     |      |-> Block

Instagram Without API

Could not reach Instagram server