Option 1:
We can handle it in hook_preprocess_node() in THEMENAME.theme
* Implements template_preprocess_node().
function THEMENAME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
$node = $variables['node'];
$title = $node->getTitle();
$variables['node_title'] = $title;
if($title) {
if(strlen($title) > 66) {
$title_array = explode(" ", $title);
$title_word_count = 0;
$trim = [];
foreach($title_array as $ta) {
$word_count = strlen($ta);
if($title_word_count < 66) {
$title_word_count = $title_word_count + $word_count;
$trim[] = $ta;
$variables['node_title'] = implode(" ", $trim)."...";
Print the variable in the node.html.twig file or your custom node twig file.
{{ node_title }}
Option 2:
We can handle it directly via twig file
In Twig:
{% if node.label|length > 60 %}
{% set title_array = node.label|split(' ') %}
{% set title_word_count = 0 %}
{% for ta in title_array %}
{% set word_count = ta|length %}
{% if title_word_count > 60 %}
{% set title_word_count = title_word_count + word_count %}
{{ ta }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}...
{% else %}
{{ node.label }}
{% endif %}
That's it.
Enjoy! :)
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